Welcome to my humble blog........

I came across this site because Viv told me about a friend's "must see" Blog - which I finally found because it's 'dot' not "@" blogspot.com.

I somehow ended up with my own Blog but I had no idea what the heck to do said Blog. I decided on it's original content whilst chatting with a guy I met online who I called The Lounge Singer. He thought I was funny and suggested that I write my witticisms down.

It started out with me pecking away at the keyboard for the sake of posterity. Eventually, it took on a new life and it morphed into a Blog of my online dating experiences.

I hope you enjoy alittlebrowndog

NOTE: Should you find yourself the subject of one of my essays, don't get all jerked up. Stand up, smile and be proud that you made such an impression on me - because it's not easy.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Online Dating Photos

Online photos are posted for men to allegedly attract women.  Some men seem to be looking for buddies more than mates and sometimes I can't imagine what they are looking for.  Here are examples of photos that are funny, weird and/or disturbing that men post to attract women:

- A webcam photo of some freaky, basement dwelling guy that had bags and boxes of "stuff" in the background.  It seems he was a bit of a hoarder.  I guess he wanted to show his future bride that he was a serious collector of....something?
- Guy in the basement with 7 foot ceilings and living rooms with 70s and 80s decor.
- Guy with gigantic dead fish proudly displayed on a boat or a dock. Is he looking for The Gorton's
   Fisherman's daughter?
- Guy next to his car - which he usually calls his "baby" or "pride and joy".
- Guy on his motorcycle (which can be kind of hot depending on the guy and the bike).  Thug on Ninja-type bike, not so hot to regular chicks.
- Guy in his car with the door open - like's he's going somewhere important.
- Guy in self-picture he's taken while inside his car with weird facial expression.
- Guy holding up 3 bottles of booze while his friend holds 3 more.
- Guy in self-pic at the gym with muscle tank (add weight-lifting gloves for the serious gym rat).
- Guy flexing his biceps in his gym picture to show that his steroids are working.
- Guy in self-pic with no shirt in the bathroom (stomach sucked in is a bonus).
- Guy in self-pic with not showing his head, no shirt on and flexing his upper body.
- Guy doing a Russian Split and then some sort of contortionist pose while in said split.
- Guy with cat, cats, bird or a reptile.
- Guys with kids in their pictures.  Pictures of kids should be banned from dating sites.
- Guy with picture of Mom - cut the apron strings, please.
- Guy with ex's face/body cut out of picture with an arm still around his neck.
- Guy with Santa, Elves or theme park characters: Sesame Street, Disney, etc
- Guy at a Convention: Star Wars, comic book, Medieval and the like, car, boat, porn star (yes), etc.
- Guy in what looks like a Mug Shot.
- Guy who posed at Glamor Shots for his profile pictures.
- Guy in work id picture.
- Guy who took a photo of a photo in a frame to post on profile.
- Guy sleeping in bed looking all sexy (I don't think his mom took that picture).
- Guy who puts a celebrities photo up.
- Guy making a stupid face
- Guy wearing a Santa hat or Disney ears (Mickey or Goofy)
- Guy that you can't actually see because it's taken so far away (I'm sure there's a valid reason for that).
- Guy in bike shorts, bike shirt and helmet (like they are Tour de France participants).
- Guys in short running shorts, all sweaty because they are running in a marathon.
- Guy with sick pot belly, not one recognizable muscle, posing shirtless asking why he's not getting any responses.
- Guy who is a huge sports fan at a game with a painted face, cheese head, Viking helmet, etc.
- Guy sitting in a bar where everyone probably knows his name.
- Guy in his 60s outside someone's door, holding a stuffed monkey and a bouquet of 7-11 flowers.
- Guy dressed in Gang colors flashing gang signs.
- Guy in police, fd or military uniform (come on, really?).
- Guy with an ascot sitting in a Victorian Era love seat with his legs crossed (looking for a girl?)
- Guy who is cross-dressed in 5 inch heels and lingerie looking for an understanding female
- Guy in cowboy hat who's not in a rodeo or at a country music concert.

If you read this and are guilty of the above  please take heed and edit your profile.  If you know someone who is violating all forms of decency, please help them edit their profile.  I'm not sure what the percentage is of women who like any of the above poses but I'll bet it's on the low side (most likely in the single digits).

Check back because I can guarantee there's more to come.

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