Welcome to my humble blog........

I came across this site because Viv told me about a friend's "must see" Blog - which I finally found because it's 'dot' not "@" blogspot.com.

I somehow ended up with my own Blog but I had no idea what the heck to do said Blog. I decided on it's original content whilst chatting with a guy I met online who I called The Lounge Singer. He thought I was funny and suggested that I write my witticisms down.

It started out with me pecking away at the keyboard for the sake of posterity. Eventually, it took on a new life and it morphed into a Blog of my online dating experiences.

I hope you enjoy alittlebrowndog

NOTE: Should you find yourself the subject of one of my essays, don't get all jerked up. Stand up, smile and be proud that you made such an impression on me - because it's not easy.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pain As I Know It

I live with chronic pain. No, I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's real pain and I guess it's payback because of my childhood behavior.  But I don't think I was bad enough to be blessed with feeling like I have the flu on most days. You know that pain, right?  Like a truck ran you over and then backed up to do it again.  It's as though I ran 10 miles and got the crap beat out of me at the finish line. Aching muscles and feeling bruised.

Waking up is always a blast.  I look more like an 89 year old than a once fit 49 year old whose job sometimes requires strength and endurance.  My dogs start to whine at about 7am, if I'm lucky. After a night of tossing and turning to find the right position, I whine back.  Sleeping straight through the night, or for a good few hours, is a mixed blessing to those of us with invisible illnesses.  Yes, it's nice to see you slept for more than a few hours but with every hour of actual sleep, another body part stiffens up.  With my eyes closed, I assess my physical being. A typical morning usually goes like this:
Left leg has pins & needles,
Left hand the same but with pain so bad it's as though Freeze Meister has taken up residence in my bones.
Headache or no headache?  Is it weather related or from grinding my teeth?
My back is so stiff that I think I have a Plaster of Paris cast on my torso.
Arms up - Crack. Crack. Crack. Pop. Ahhh
Swing legs to the side of the bed. They weighlike 600lbs.....Each.
I roll on to my stomach and slither off my very high bed.
Ouch. I forgot my foot is still asleep.
Slippers on. I push myself up (half way). As I walk into the kitchen, my posture improves like that human evolution picture. Ugh.  My hip.

Funeral For A Hero

There is nothing more moving than experiencing  a police funeral.

Hearing trumpets playing "Taps" in the distance.
Feeling the weight of the helicopters flying over in unison leaving one space empty for the deceased.

Witnessing the final procession being led by bagpipers somberly walking as drummers beat a dirge which gets louder and louder.

The body of a hero passing by one final time in a hearse covered with flowers.

The family members being escorted by the department protecting them in vehicles with tinted windows.

Through the dark windows you get an unexpected glimpse of a wife holding their infant child, a exhausted mother resting her head on a strong shoulder, a child wearing his father's police cap staring in awe or a sister pressing a hand on the window whispering "Thank you. Thank you."

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

He Was A Police Officer

He was so young and full of life.
He was a rookie who had his whole adult life ahead of him.
He came from a family of cops who made it home night after night. He was a son, a friend and a Police Officer.

He was supposed to find a girl, get married and have babies.
He was going to buy a home that he could fill with relatives and friends for holidays and the big game.
He would see his children run to the door when they heard his car pull in the driveway.
He was a Police Officer.

He was introduced by his name, which was always followed by "He's a police officer."
He wanted to go home after work but he ended up on life-support instead
"He was a Police Officer who was murdered in cold blood." will always follow his name now.
He was a Police Officer.


His life was taken from him.


Kelly G.